We continue to draw attention to the warnings we gave earlier, since the facts are going to repeat the cycle was not completed!
Death toll passes 300 after the tornadoes in the U.S. - G1
The message below was posted on Do not be shaken on 19/04/2011
Elsewhere (local) and moments, the rain and the sea, over the winds and landslides complete a sad picture of desolation and dirt. Jesus have mercy on those who ignore it, especially in regions where power and money often make light of love that He offers us
See what we posted on 01.04.2011, in the message and nothing new and earlier:
The events "natural" alternated in the mentioned regions in Brazil, Asia (Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand) events in some countries still have not come forward as they should: a few areas of Europe, Mexico, in the U.S. Chile, Peru, among others
About U.S. will fall even more tragedies by winds and floods, it is good to think of removing more people from the riverine areas, especially in places that once suffered from floods, in addition of course to provide infrastructure to meet homeless people who will pick up soon.
On 13.03.2011 deal of rainfall that occurred in NE Brazil, in the message Check out this post and all that were posted since December/2010.Dozens of homeless and death because of the rains in Alagoas - G1
- It is time to prepare for more events that bring pain and suffering related to rainfall and irregular and disorderly riparian areas and hills, both here in NE about everything in PE and AL, as in the areas recently affected RJ, primarily, and in other coastal areas of Brazil, as occurs now in Parana.
We call the attention of authorities in the NE and appears to ignore warnings posted for including representatives of civil defense in some areas and nationally. Alagoas problems arise in places which last year were targets of rain, the examples of what has occurred in other states in southern and southeastern Brazil. Let's try to get more warnings the authorities! Perhaps it is in vain because as Jesus tells us:
Matthew (7:6)
"Do not give dogs what is holy, do not throw pearls before swine, they may trample them with their feet and, turning, rend you."
Understand that nothing needs to be definitive and we can always do something if not avoid, but minimize the suffering, unfortunately people have reached an absurd level of skepticism actually afraid of losing the false sense of comfort and power, thinking that everything can and you are all about.They deny God or put in a position purely figurative, are carried away by selfishness and vanity, love despise, suggests carefully read Jonah 1-4, and Chronicles 34 and 35.
May God come to our aid!
I do not intend to change the structure of our messages, because they are inspired to be published like this, even with the limitations that are unique to us, but to fulfill a purpose inspired this message will translate into some languages according to the origin of that visit us .==================================================
死者数は米国では竜巻後、300を通過 - G1の
ホームレスとアラゴアスの雨のための死の数十 - G1の
- それは、最近のRJ影響を受ける地域としてログインし、痛みをもたらす降雨と不規則な無秩序な水辺エリアや丘、両方ここにNEのPEとALにすべての情報に関連し苦しんで複数のイベントのために準備する時間ですブラジルの他の沿岸地域、主と同様に、パラナ州、現在発生します。
理解は何も確定する必要があることを回避されていない場合我々は常に、何かを行うことができますが、最小限に抑えるための苦しみを、残念なことに人々はすべてのことを考えて懐疑的な不条理なレベルを、実際に快適さとパワーの誤った感覚を失うことを恐れて、達しているとすることができますあなたはすべてとしています。 彼らは、神を拒否または位置純粋な比喩で言えば、利己主義と虚栄心で流され、軽蔑、慎重にして、Jonah 1から4まで読んで示唆している、とクロニクルを34と35が大好きです。
Para os visitantes que não falam o português, sugerimos usar um tradutor, para tanto selecione o texto desejado e o copie para o tradutor, informando para qual idioma deve ser traduzido, recomendamos o translate da google. Infelizmente alguns dos termos não são adequadamente traduzidos, mas o texto pode ser compreendido.
Que Jesus derrame seu amor e suas bençãos sobre todos!
======================================== Inglês
For visitors who do not speak Portuguese, we suggest using a translator, both to select the desired text and copy it to the translator stating what language should be translated, we recommend the translation of google. Unfortunately some of the terms are not adequately translated, but the text can be understood.
Jesus spilled his love and his blessings upon you all!
======================================== Chinês
======================================== Alemão
Für Besucher, die nicht sprechen Portugiesisch, empfehlen wir die Verwendung eines Übersetzers, die beide auf den gewünschten Text markieren und kopieren Sie sie an den Übersetzer, sagen, was Sprache sollte übersetzt werden wir die Übersetzung von Google empfehlen. Leider sind einige der Begriffe nicht adäquat übersetzt, aber der Text verstanden werden kann.
Jesus verschüttet seine Liebe und seine Segen sei mit euch allen!
Vielen Dank!
======================================== Italiano
Per i visitatori che non parlano portoghese, suggeriamo di utilizzare un traduttore, sia per selezionare il testo desiderato e copiarlo al traduttore indicando quale lingua deve essere tradotto, si consiglia la traduzione di google. Purtroppo alcuni termini non sono adeguatamente tradotto, ma il testo può essere capito.
Gesù ha sparso il suo amore e la sua benedizione a voi tutti!
======================================== Japonês
======================================== Dinamarquês
For besøgende, der ikke taler portugisisk, foreslår vi at bruge en oversætter, både for at markere den ønskede tekst og kopiere den til oversætteren om, hvilket sprog skal oversat, anbefaler vi oversættelse af google. Desværre er nogle af de udtryk, er ikke tilstrækkeligt oversat, men teksten kan forstås.
Jesus spildte hans kærlighed og hans velsignelser over jer alle!
======================================== Russo
Для посетителей, которые не говорят на португальском, мы рекомендуем использовать переводчик, как выбрать нужный текст и скопируйте его в переводчик заявив, что язык должен быть перевод, мы рекомендуем перевода Google. К сожалению, некоторые термины не адекватно переведены, но текст может быть понят.
Иисус пролил свой любовь и свое благословение на вас всех!
======================================== Indonésio
Bagi pengunjung yang tidak berbicara Portugis, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan penterjemah, baik untuk memilih teks yang diinginkan dan copy ke penerjemah menyatakan apa bahasa harus diterjemahkan, kami merekomendasikan terjemahan dari google. Sayangnya beberapa istilah tidak cukup diterjemahkan, tetapi teks dapat dipahami.
Yesus menumpahkan kasih-Nya dan berkat-Nya atas kamu semua!
Terima kasih!
======================================== Espanhol
Para los visitantes que no hablan portugués, le sugerimos utilizar un traductor, tanto para seleccionar el texto deseado y copiarlo en el traductor que indica en qué idioma debe ser traducido, se recomienda la traducción de Google. Desafortunadamente algunos de los términos no están adecuadamente traducidas, pero el texto puede ser comprendido.
Jesús derramó su amor y sus bendiciones sobre todos vosotros!
======================================= Francês
Pour les visiteurs qui ne parlent pas portugais, nous vous suggérons d'utiliser un traducteur, à la fois pour sélectionner le texte désiré et le copier dans le traducteur attestant quelle langue doit être traduit, nous recommandons la traduction de google. Malheureusement, certains des termes ne sont pas adéquatement traduite, mais le texte peut être compris.
Jésus a versé son amour et ses bénédictions sur vous tous!
======================================== Croata
Za posjetitelje koji ne govore portugalski, predlažemo da koristite prevoditelj, kako biste odabrali željeni tekst i kopirajte ga prevoditelj navodeći koji jezik bi trebao biti preveden, preporučujemo prijevod google. Nažalost, neki pojmovi nisu adekvatno prevedena, ali tekst se može razumjeti.
Isus prolije svoju ljubav i svoj blagoslov na sve vas!
======================================== Grego
Για τον επισκέπτη που δεν μιλούν πορτογαλικά, σας προτείνουμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε έναν μεταφραστή, τόσο για να επιλέξετε το επιθυμητό κείμενο και να το αντιγράψετε στο μεταφραστή δηλώνοντας σε ποια γλώσσα θα πρέπει να μεταφραστεί, προτείνουμε τη μετάφραση του google. Δυστυχώς, μερικοί από τους όρους δεν είναι επαρκώς μετάφραση, αλλά το κείμενο μπορεί να γίνει κατανοητή.
Ο Ιησούς διαχυθεί αγάπη του και τις ευλογίες του επάνω σε όλους σας!
======================================== Polonês
Dla zwiedzających, którzy nie mówią po portugalsku, zalecamy użycie tłumacz, zarówno, aby wybrać żądany tekst i skopiuj go do tłumacza podając w jakim języku powinny być przetłumaczone, zalecamy tłumaczenie google. Niestety niektóre terminy nie są odpowiednio przetłumaczone, ale tekst można zrozumieć.
Jezus rozlane Jego miłości i Jego błogosławieństwo dla was wszystkich!
======================================== Latim
Nam qui hospites non lo Lusitani Unde secundum interpretes uti tam desiderata select text effingo is ut interpres exposuit quae sit lingua interpretatur praecipimus Google translatio. Male de condicionibus transtulit insufficienter autem potest intelligi illud.
Jesus fundebat amare beneficia et omnes!